Narrow Luxury Gel Exercise Bike Seat Pad
Made in USA
Fits Seats Up
to 8 1/2" Wide & Up to 11" Long
and Adds 1 1/2" of Gel Cushioning
Fits seats up to 8 1/2" wide
and up to 11" long
Our Price $49.95
a wider gel pad?
Bicycle & exercise bike riding is a very enjoyable
activity enjoyed by millions of people. But, for years men and women alike have
suffered the most unbearable pain caused by inadequate bicycle
saddles. The number one reason so many individuals give up bicycle & exercise bike
riding is SEAT PAIN!
Gel seat cover fits the smaller
size bicycle seat or spin class bike. Slips over existing seat in
seconds! Add that extra comfort you need.
- Narrow features:
- The narrow size fits seats up to 8 1/2" wide and up to 11" long
~ 1 1/2" thick.
- Deluxe Gel Cushion
- Non slip bottom for stability
- Locking Drawstring for snug fit and easy removal
Toll free (855) 855-1976
Guaranteed Comfort Or Your Money Back!